All You Need to Know About Digital Nomad

13 Sep, 2022 | Read in 6 minutes

Digital Nomads are remote workers who usually travel to various places. Find out how to become a digital nomad, the pros and cons, and what to consider before you make the leap!


People's habits and lifestyles have changed. The COVID-19 pandemic and the need for social distancing habits accelerate the emergence of new working models, such as remote work, hybrid systems, and digital nomads.

What is a digital nomad? What kind of work is it? Keep reading for a deeper dive. Who knows, maybe at the end of this article you will realise that you are one of them.

The Definition

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Digital Nomads are remote workers who usually travel to various places. They often work at the beach, coworking space, public library, coffee shop or villa. Digital nomads rely on their devices and internet speed to work. The most excellent point is that they can work wherever they want.

By 2021, Upwork estimates that more than 26% of the workforce will start working remotely. Then, a Slack survey of 9000 workers in six countries stated that 72% of workers prefer to work from a remote office. Remote workers feel productive when working outside the office. This shifting work style to be flexible has made digital nomads increasingly popular.

Just imagine, you don't have to shackle yourself in a 9-5 work system and get stuck on the way. Digital Nomads are free to determine the best time to work, besides daily standup calls and client meetings.

Pros and Cons of being a Digital Nomad

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As we all know, nothing is perfect in a working system. It's the same with digital nomads. There are good and bad sides. Indeed, the digital nomad lifestyle seems to be ideal, but some parts can be stressful if you can't control it.

Here are the good and bad sides of digital nomads. Let's plunge into this lifestyle in many ways. But first, let's start with the best part.


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No commuting

Let's count how much time you spend going and returning from work. It's not enough, and you must feel the traffic jam, full MRT, and stuffy air. That's the main factor of daily burnout.

Work-life balance

Simply put, you achieve a better work-life balance when you become a digital nomad. You don't have to worry about traffic jams and vehicle costs (including fuel and maintenance). Your life is under your control.

No dress code

Generally, a digital nomad's style of dress is free unless you have a meeting with a CEO or important clients. You can work in sweatpants while enjoying breakfast and finishing your favourite drama. Don't worry. No one will judge your dress.

You get to see the world

Once again, being a digital nomad allows you to see the world. You don't need to apply for paid leave or wait for retirement to go on a short escape. The whole world can be your base camp or “office.”

No boring days

There are no boring days in your dictionary. You can enjoy a floating breakfast while preparing a deck for clients. Every day will feel different and according to your wishes.


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Unsteady income

Some digital nomads are freelancers. They do not have a stable income because it depends on projects. Sometimes in a few months, you can be rich. Other times you are pretty sure you will not make it to the end of the month.

Language barriers

Language has always been a barrier in travelling. Even though lots of people speak English, it's not a rule of thumb for every place you go. Lack of communication will be a problem when you should deliver things to others.


Everyone needs to socialise. On the one hand, it feels good not to have to deal with office drama or a boss, but on the other hand, working alone can sometimes feel very lonely. So even though you're a digital nomad, it doesn't mean you stop communicating with coworkers or residents.

Time management

Almost all workers face the problem of time management. Indeed, being flexible is good, but you have to stay organised in terms of the agenda. Moreover, the entire schedule is under your control. So as to organise and maximise your time, you can use time management apps, such as Scoro, VirtualSpace, or Rescue Time.

Isolated from family

There will be missed family moments when you become a digital nomad. And it's heart-wrenching. We all know that balance at work is the goal of work, but being away from family can be an emotional toll.

Choosing the Right Nomad Base

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Having a suitable base is essential to success as a digital nomad. You can choose a location that fits your comfort zone, lifestyle, preferences and budget. So, to make the selection process more effective, try using the points below.


Knowing which countries you can legally visit with your passport is important. Research the visa requirements and do this carefully because there is nothing worse than a state document issue (which you should avoid).

The infrastructure

Set limits and expectations about comfort and convenience in life. Do you need 24/7 access to a cafe with free wifi and good food? Or just the atmosphere of fresh air while working will do. Things like living conditions, access to roads, public transportation, and other elements will affect. And the key to success in making decisions about this is profound research.

Internet access

Internet access is the first component of becoming a digital nomad. The internet will be your meal ticket and a gateway to collect your income. Make sure that your base has easy internet access anytime and anywhere.


Security is a point that you need to pay attention to wherever you go. Know every risk on the basis you choose. Choose the base with little risk for your health and safety.

Cost of living

It's crucial to know the everyday expenses and income you'll face as a digital nomad. You definitely need to have savings. Find out the affordability of the place you're interested in and how much money you're spending there.

Coworking space

The last part of choosing a location is the availability of coworking space in the area. You need a coworking space if you are bored working at home, so consider the availability of a coworking space.

Not all Digital Nomads succeed

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Too common to make the mistake of being a digital nomad when you're just starting. Here's the summary of why digital nomads fail to live their lifestyles.

Lack of Funds

The old saying goes, "it takes money to make money." The more you can invest in yourself, the better the returns may be.

Lack of skills

Becoming a digital nomad is not as easy as it seems. Not everything is as beautiful as posts on Instagram. You must have the skills and abilities desired by today's digital market, such as a social media specialist, copywriter, or programmer.

Leaving without plan

Before deciding to travel, sit in a comfortable place, think about your priorities and make a plan, goals, and current assets. As a digital nomad newbie, it's essential to know your strengths, weaknesses and challenges that may come your way. Some say if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. So, plan ahead!

Key Takeaways

From year to year, more and more people are starting to leave the office and start their careers while travelling. We all know that digital nomadism is not going anywhere anytime soon. And after weighing all the pros and cons, you can decide if the digital nomad lifestyle can suit you.

However, whatever you decide, I hope this little guide can point you in the right direction. Remember that all good things always take time to learn.

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