Define Your Management Style and Make It Works Using VirtualSpace

11 Oct, 2023 | Read in 5 minutes

Find your way of leading a team with VirtualSpace. Easily shape your management style to work best for you and your team.


You shape your team's path to success through your management style. It is a reflection of your personality, values, and experience. Your approach significantly influences your team's productivity.

If employees feel their efforts are better recognised, 69% of them would be inclined to work harder, as reported by a study. 

Engaged employees, who sense appreciation for their work, play a vital role in helping the company culture achieve its goals. It is the responsibility of management style leadership in the organisation to recognise and appreciate employees.

Now, let's delve into management styles and their meaning for how teams work.

What Are Management Styles?

Management styles are the different ways leaders run their teams or organisations. They affect how leaders interact with their teams, make decisions, set goals, assign tasks management, and manage projects. 

Understanding and adapting to these various styles is important for effective leadership that suits the specific needs and goals of a team or organisation.

How to Define Management Styles?

Defining management styles involves categorising the various ways in which leaders lead and organise their teams. Here are the details:

  • Personal Traits Influence: These styles are shaped a lot by a leader's traits, like their personality, how they communicate, and how they make decisions.
  • Values and Principles: What a leader believes in and their principles are really important in deciding how they lead.
  • Working with Teams: How leaders work with their teams is decided by their management styles, making communication and collaboration important.
  • Decision-Making Ways: The ways leaders make decisions, whether they talk with the team or decide on their own, show their management style.
  • Setting and Measuring Goals: Management styles affect how leaders set and check if they meet their goals, showing where the team is going.
  • Delegating Tasks: How leaders share tasks is a big part of how they lead, showing who does what in the team.
  • Managing Projects: These styles guide how leaders handle projects, from planning to doing the work and watching how it's going.
  • Being Flexible: Knowing and understanding different management styles helps leaders change and be flexible to meet what their teams or organisations need.
  • Understanding Leadership: Figuring out management styles helps us see how leaders lead in different ways, making them good at what they do.

Types of Management Style Leadership

Knowing various manager styles and leadership styles with examples is crucial for effective team management. Here are management style examples:

1. Autocratic Management Style

This style involves a manager making decisions without much input from the team. For example, a manager who dictates tasks and expects strict adherence to their instructions.

2. Democratic Management Style

In this approach, decision-making is inclusive, with input sought from the team.

For example, a manager who holds team meetings to discuss and decide on important matters collectively.

3. Transformational Management Style

Leaders inspire and motivate their team, fostering a sense of purpose and commitment.

For example, a manager who encourages creativity and innovation motivates team members to achieve their best.

4. Transactional Management Style

Focuses on clear structures and rewards for good performance, with a focus on tasks and outcomes.

For example, a manager who sets clear performance expectations and provides rewards for meeting targets.

5. Laissez-Faire Management Style

This style involves minimal interference, allowing team members to make decisions independently.

For example, a manager who gives team members the freedom to organise and execute their tasks with minimal guidance.

6. Servant Management Style

Leaders prioritise the needs of their team members, aiming to support and develop them.

For example, a manager who actively seeks to understand the concerns and aspirations of their team offers support and guidance.

7. Coaching Management Style

Focuses on developing individual team members' skills and abilities through mentoring and coaching.

For example, a manager who regularly provides feedback and guidance to help team members grow in their roles.

8. Charismatic Management Style

Leaders who rely on their charm and vision to inspire and influence their team.

For example, a manager who captivates and motivates their team through a compelling vision for the future.

9. Transactional Management Style

Involves exchanging rewards or punishments based on performance.

For example, a manager who provides bonuses for achieving specific targets or reprimands for failing to meet expectations.

10. Collaborative Management Style

Emphasises teamwork and collaboration, where decisions are made collectively.

For example, a manager who encourages open communication and seeks input from all team members in decision-making processes.

TL;DR: Management Style vs. Leadership Style

The Management style focuses on organising tasks and processes, ensuring efficiency and order. It deals with day-to-day operations and achieving specific goals. 

Leadership style, on the other hand, centres on inspiring and guiding a team towards a shared vision. It involves motivating individuals, fostering innovation, and building a strong team culture. 

While management is about control and structure, leadership is about influence and inspiration. 

In practice, effective leaders often blend both styles to achieve a balance between structured management and inspirational leadership.

How to Adopt Management Styles Using VirtualSpace

Here is how to adapt your management style effortlessly with the VirtualSpace app for managers:

1. Open the Web App

Open the VirtualSpace web app on your device.

2. Login or Create an Account

Log in with your existing account or create a new one by providing the necessary details.

3. Access Projects Feature

Once logged in, navigate to the "Project" feature on the app's main menu.

4. Create a New Project

Click on the +  (create project) button to initiate the project creation process.

5. Enter Project Details

Fill in the project name, providing a concise and descriptive title. Add a detailed project description.

6. Create a New Task

Locate the "New Task" button and click on it to initiate the task creation process.

Fill in the task details as follows:

  • Task Name: Enter a concise and descriptive name for the task.
  • Task Description: Provide a detailed description of the task, outlining specific requirements and expectations.
  • Task Section: Assign the task to a relevant section, categorising it based on project phases or departments.
  • Assignee: Choose a team member from the project to assign the task to.
  • Estimate Start: Specify the anticipated start date for the task.
  • Estimate End: Set the expected completion date for the task.

7. Task Priority and Labels

Set the priority level for the task, indicating its importance within the project. Further, apply relevant labels to the task for easy categorisation or identification.


8. Project Checklist

Create a checklist within the task, breaking down the steps needed to complete it.

9. Create Task

Click on the "Create Task" button to finalise the task creation.

10. Review and Confirm

Carefully review all entered details for accuracy and completeness.

Wrapping Up

Your management style shapes your team's success. Recognise and appreciate your team for increased motivation. Engaged employees are key to achieving company goals. Explore management styles and their impact on teamwork.

Ready to elevate your leadership game? Experience seamless management with VirtualSpace, your dedicated app for managers. Start projects, define tasks, and collaborate effortlessly.

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