Product 101: Task and Subtask Management in VirtualSpace for Software Developers

8 Sep, 2023 | Read in 6 minutes

Unlock productivity with our guide to task and subtask management in VirtualSpace. Ideal for software developers looking to streamline their projects.


The world of project management is one that thrives on precision and organisation. At its core are two fundamental components that lay the foundation for efficient project execution: tasks and subtasks. 

These are the building blocks that transform complex projects into manageable steps, enabling teams to navigate the difficulty of their work effectively. 

In this article, we explore the critical distinctions between tasks and subtasks in software development. Further, the step-by-step guide creates tasks and subtasks. 

This guide aims to empower project managers and teams with the knowledge and tools needed to streamline their work processes effectively.

The Difference of Task and SubTask

The Definition of Task

A "task" serves as a fundamental unit of work within the context of business projects that need to be done, according to Cambridge Dictionary. It signifies a specific piece of work that necessitates attention and completion. 

Tasks management encompasses a wide array of activities, ranging from simple, routine assignments to complex, multifaceted projects. They play an important role in project management, serving as the building blocks upon which larger initiatives are constructed.

The Definition of Subtask 

A "subtask" is a distinctive category of work that part of a larger task, according to Cambridge Dictionary. It is an integral component of the task, contributing to its overall completion.

Subtasks are used to break down more extensive and intricate tasks into smaller, manageable segments. This division aids in organising and allocating responsibilities effectively, ensuring that the project progresses smoothly.

In essence, subtasks are like building blocks within a task, each representing a specific action or set of actions that, when accomplished, contribute to the successful achievement of the overarching goal. 

They allow for a more granular approach to project management, making it easier to track progress and assign responsibilities to team members.

Types of Issues in Software Development

In a software development project, there are several types of issues that developers commonly encounter and manage. These issues are essential for tracking and resolving problems, implementing new features, and ensuring the overall success of the project. 

Here are some of the key issue types in software development:

1. Bug/Defect:

Description: An issue related to unintended flaws or errors in the software's functionality.

Purpose: To identify and rectify defects to ensure the software operates as intended.

2. Feature Request/Enhancement:

Description: A request for the addition of new features or improvements to existing ones.

Purpose: To enhance the software's capabilities or user experience based on user or stakeholder feedback.

3. Task/To-Do:

Description: A general task or action item that needs to be completed as part of the development process.

Purpose: To track and manage various tasks related to development, testing, or project management.

4. Epic/Story:

Description: A high-level user requirement or a broad feature area that can be broken down into smaller tasks.

Purpose: To represent user-centric functionalities and guide development efforts in an Agile framework.

5. Documentation:

Description: Issues related to creating, updating, or improving project documentation, including user manuals, API documentation, and code comments.

Purpose: To ensure that comprehensive and accurate documentation accompanies the software.

6. Technical Debt:

Description: An issue highlighting areas where the codebase may require refactoring or improvement to maintain code quality.

Purpose: To address accumulated technical debt and maintain a healthy codebase.

7. Security Vulnerability:

Description: An issue related to identified security weaknesses or vulnerabilities within the software.

Purpose: To prioritise and resolve security concerns to protect the software and user data.

8. Performance/Optimization:

Description: Issues related to improving the software's performance, efficiency, or resource utilisation.

Purpose: To enhance the software's speed and responsiveness.

9. Deployment/Configuration:

Description: Issues pertaining to the deployment process, server configuration, or environment setup.

Purpose: To ensure a smooth deployment and configuration of the software in various environments.

10. Testing/Quality Assurance:

Description: Issues related to test cases, test plans, or quality assurance processes.

Purpose: To manage testing efforts and ensure software quality through various testing phases.

11. Compatibility/Integration:

Description: Issues involving compatibility with specific hardware, software, or third-party integrations.

Purpose: To address compatibility challenges and ensure seamless integration with other systems.

12. User Interface (UI)/User Experience (UX):

Description: Issues related to the visual design, usability, and user experience of the software.

Purpose: To improve the software's interface and overall user satisfaction.

These issue types help software development teams efficiently manage and prioritise their work, ensuring that the project progresses smoothly, and software is delivered with the desired quality and functionality.

Create Tasks and Subtasks in VirtualSpace

Creating tasks and subtasks in a project management tool is essential for organising and managing project work efficiently. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do bug/defect:

Step 1: Access Your VirtualSpace

Log in to your VirtualSpace and access the project for which you want to create tasks and subtasks.

Step 2: Navigate to the Project or Task List

Locate the project or task list where you want to add the bug/defect and associated subtask.

Step 3: Create a New Bug/Defect Task

  • Click on the "Add New Task" button in the “To Do” section.
  • A task creation form will appear. Fill in the following details for the bug/defect:
  • Task Name: "Fix Login Page Authentication Bug."
  • Description: "Users are unable to log in due to an authentication error on the login page."
  • Due Date: Set the due date for fixing the bug, e.g., "September 20, 2023."
  • Assignee: Assign the bug-fixing task to a developer responsible for resolving the issue.
  • Priority: Set the priority to "High" as it affects user access.
  • Click the "Create Task" button to add the bug/defect task to your project. You can add a “Development” task labelling to your task.

A New Bug/Defect Task

“Task Priority” Level and “Development” label

Step 4: Create Subtasks

  • After creating the main task, you can add subtasks to break down the work. You can choose “Subtasks” within the task details.
  • Click on the "Subtasks" option, and a subtask creation form will appear. Fill in the following details for the subtask:
  • Subtask Name: "Investigate Authentication Code."
  • Description: "Review the authentication code to identify the source of the login issue."
  • Due Date: Set a due date for this subtask, e.g., "September 15, 2023."
  • Assignee: Assign the subtask to the team member responsible for completing it.
  • Priority: Set the priority to "Medium."

Subtasks View

Subtask Name, Description, and Due Date

Subtask Priority Level

Step 5: Manage Subtasks

Now you have a bug/defect task with a subtask for investigating the issue. You can create additional subtasks for specific steps like code changes, testing, and verification.

Step 6: Update Task and Subtask Details

When the investigation subtask is complete, mark it as "Complete" Similarly, mark the bug/defect task as "Complete" when the bug is successfully fixed and verified. Alternatively, you can mark the task and subtask as complete and move it into the “Done” section.

Step 7: Mark Tasks and Subtasks as Complete

When a task or subtask is complete, mark it as such in the project management tool. This helps track progress and provides a clear overview of what's been accomplished.

Mark a Task as Complete

Task Complete in the “Done” Section

Mark a Subtask as Complete

Step 8: Review and Prioritise

Regularly review and prioritise tasks and subtasks based on changing project requirements, deadlines, and team availability.

Step 9: Communicate and Collaborate

Use your project management tool's communication and collaboration features to discuss tasks and subtasks with team members, share updates, and resolve any issues that may arise during the project.

By following these steps, you can effectively create and manage tasks and subtasks in your project management tool, improving project organisation and team collaboration.

Get Started with VirtualSpace

In the world of project management and software development, tasks and subtasks are the keys to efficiency and order. They break down complexity and pave the way for success.

Ready to get started? Create your tasks and subtasks in VirtualSpace to supercharge your software development projects.


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