Product 101: VirtualSpace Note Features for Secretaries

21 Jul, 2023 | Read in 4 minutes

Enhance your productivity as a secretary with Product 101 VirtualSpace Note Features.


Secretaries play a crucial role in keeping your team running smoothly. Especially, in a remote work environment. They navigate the bulk of tasks and essential information daily. 

So, efficient note-taking on the project management tool’s features can help you conquer this. Besides, Note Features are designed to simplify the work of secretaries and boost productivity.

A study has shown that individuals who take notes during meetings or discussions are more likely to retain and recall essential details and information.

Using this recall technique can help you remember extensive information about your clients or coworkers and their needs without relying solely on reading from your notes.

Note Features: What is it?

Note Features here is a software feature designed to simplify the lives of secretaries. 

It's an intuitive note-taking and organisation tool that allows users to capture, store, and manage information seamlessly. 

With its user-friendly interface and robust features, secretaries can embrace a more efficient digital solution.

Why do Note Features Matter for Secretaries?

Secretaries deal with tasks and information daily, making note-taking an indispensable part of their job. Note Features offers several key benefits that make it a must-have for secretaries:

  • Organised Information: You can categorise and store notes efficiently, so it is easy to access essential information whenever they need it.
  • Real-Time Synchronisation: With cloud-based storage, you can access your notes from any device both mobile or personal computer, so stay updated and in the loop.
  • Collaboration Made Easy: Note Features allow you to share notes and collaborate with team members effortlessly.
  • Task Integration: Seamlessly integrate notes with task management tools, keeping all credentials information in one centralised location.

Key Features of Note Features on VirtualSpace

Let's take a closer look at how Notes on VirtualSpace can help your productivity as a secretary. But, the first thing first is you need to know about the key features below.

My Notes

This feature is your personal space for all the Notes you create. Keep your thoughts, ideas, and important information securely stored here.

Pinned Notes

Consider this your virtual bulletin board! Pin those essential notes that you need to access quickly and effortlessly whenever you want.

Shared Notes

Collaboration made simple! This feature houses all the notes you've shared with others and those shared with you. 

Recent Notes

A handy spot to find all your latest and greatest notes! Whether freshly created or recently edited, this section has them all.

When you create a note on VirtualSpace, you can choose between two statuses: Public or Private

  • Notes with Public status mean they are shared by you or with you, it accessible to others. 
  • Notes with the Private status are strictly yours, it is your private and personal notes, not meant for sharing with anyone else. 

So, feel free to customise the status of each note according to your preferences and privacy needs!

A Step-by-step Guide to Make Notes on VirtualSpace

VirtualSpace has become an integral part of remote work environments, providing the flexibility and convenience to collaborate with businesses remotely. 

To get started we’ve gathered the steps from the VirtualSpace web app. Open your VirtualSpace account on a web browser. 

Now, head over to the Notes menu, which you can find on the left menu bar. There, you'll discover four fantastic Notes features:

Step 1: Adding Folders and New Notes

To start, simply click the "+" button at the top left corner. This allows you to add folders and new notes, helping you stay organised with all your valuable information. Alternatively, you can tap the "+ New Notes" sign at the top right corner to create a new note quickly.

Step 2: Managing Your Notes

In the Actions section, you'll find little circles next to each note. Tick those circles to either delete notes or move them to different folders. It's super easy to manage and organise your notes with just a few clicks!

Step 3: Writing and Editing Your Notes

You can use the text editor to write and edit your notes. Customise fonts, headings, and add bullets or numbering as you wish. Don't forget the title! You can keep notes private or share them with others. Tap "Publish" when you're done.

Step 4: Smart Character Recognition for Quick Searches

VirtualSpace's Notes feature has a handy Smart Character Recognition function. Enter keywords to find what you need, even in photos or scanned documents.

Step 5: Editing Your Existing Notes

To make changes, click on the note you want to edit, then tap "Edit" at the top right. Modify, add, or edit anything effortlessly.

In Summary

Note Features on VirtualSpace is a masterpiece for secretaries looking to boost their productivity and streamline their organisational skills. Note Features offers a comprehensive solution for efficient note-taking and information management.

Ready to revolutionise the way you take notes and manage information? Embrace the power of Note Features on VirtualSpace and experience a whole new level of efficiency. Try VirtualSpace’s Note Features here.

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