The Flexibility of Remote Work During Ramadan: 5 Benefits

13 Apr, 2023 | Read in 5 minutes

Ramadan is a time of reflection and spiritual growth. Find out how you can make the most of this period with our tips for successful remote work.


The flexibility of remote work allows your teams to work from their comfort spaces anywhere. It’s the holy month of Ramadan, we need to consider the unique challenges that remote workers may face.

Many Muslims adjust their schedule during Ramadan. They fast from food and drink between the hours of sunrise and sunset.

In some regions of the world, this entails going the full month without eating or drinking anything—not even water—for 12 to 17 hours each day.

Employees benefit when companies offer them additional support and flexibility because fasting can affect energy levels. They can still perform their tasks, and in some cases, they can even focus better because they are not being distracted by food or drink. However, fasting can boost health and productivity.

If you have Muslim employees, it would mean a lot to them if you could make some support to help them. One of the significant support is the flexibility of the work schedule during Ramadan or working remotely.

About Ramadan

One article from Vox showed that For Muslims, the month of Ramadan is the holy month. Prophet Mohammed PBUH is claimed to have remarked, “When Ramadan begins, the gates of heaven are opened, the gates of hell are closed, and the devils are chained."

Muslims believe that on a night known as "The Night of Power" (Laylat al-Qadr in Arabic), God revealed the first verses of the Quran to Mohammed during this month.

Muslims fast every day from sunrise to sunset throughout the whole month of Ramadan. OnePath revealed that it is intended to be a period of spiritual discipline during which one should engage in serious Quran study, prayer, and deep reflection on their relationship with God.

5 Benefits of Remote Work during Ramadan

Scroll down to find out more about the benefits of flexible work arrangements for remote teams during Ramadan.

1. More time for prayer

Remote work and working from home allow your employees to adjust their day. They can accommodate their religious practices and keep being professional at the same time. For so many, this is the perfect time to evaluate their hustling during Ramadan.

Your employees can schedule their prayers. They can also take a break to attend online/offline Islamic lectures, which can help them to deepen their understanding of the religion.

The final 10 days of Ramadan, which include Eid, are regarded as the most sacred. Muslims tend to pray more at night during this time and may choose to rest during the day.

2. No commute

One survey from the National Bureau of Economics revealed that workers allocate 40% of their time savings to primary and secondary jobs. Companies stand to gain the most from the time savings of no commute.

Your employee can save time and energy during Ramadan with no commute. The extra time can be spent on rest, prayer, or other spiritual activities that are significant during Ramadan.

Those who live far from their workplace find commuting during Ramadan can be challenging. They have to wake up early and spend more time commuting to arrive on time, which can decrease productivity. By working remotely, employees can avoid these issues and perform better.

3. Taking control of the nutrition

Taking control of nutrition is an essential aspect of fasting during Ramadan. It involves abstaining from food and drink from dawn until sunset, which can be challenging, especially for those who work in a physical office.

Your employee can take the benefits from remote work. They have the best control over what they eat. They also can prepare healthy meals and snacks to break their fast.

One article from VeryWellHealth showed the types of food nutrition for Ramadan. Creating a healthy meal plan can help them to avoid unhealthy snacks or takeaways during this holy month.

4. Improved work-life balance

Remote work has changed how we work anyway. One of the remote work's most significant benefits is its improved work-life balance. They can make a plan for their religious practices, spend time with family and friends, and complete work tasks.

A ThinkRemote article showed that work-life balance is the capacity to juggle work and personal obligations. Why are strategies for balancing work and life essential? Simply because a chaotic work-life balance schedule causes burnout in the workplace.

The balance between work and personal life can lead to greater job satisfaction and improved mental health.

5. Enhance productivity

A Stanford study of 16,000 employees over 9 months showed that working from home boosts productivity by 13%. Increased call volume per minute, longer shifts with fewer breaks and sick days, and a comfortable and quiet working environment contributed to performance improvement.

Employee job satisfaction increased in the same study, while attrition rates were reduced by 50%.

Working remotely can increase productivity as employees have fewer distractions. This can improve job performance and help your remote teams get things done.

Tips for Remote Workers during Ramadan

You need to keep your productivity by managing your remote teams during Ramadan if you’re a team leader. As a team member, you also need to manage your productivity as a personal and a professional. Here are the tips for remote workers:

  • Set realistic goals: Set realistic goals during Ramadan. Avoid overloading yourself with work tasks. Make sure to prioritise your tasks and set achievable goals that don't interfere with your spiritual activities.
  • Plan your schedule: Try a project management tool using VirtualSpace to plan your schedule. Make sure your work and spiritual activities balance.
  • Create a comfortable workspace: Minimising distractions by creating your workspace during Ramadan.
  • Take breaks: Take regular breaks during the day, especially when fasting. Taking breaks can help you maintain your energy levels and stay focused. You can take a short nap or rest during the day.
  • Stay hydrated: While fasting, drinking plenty of water and other hydrating fluids is recommended during non-fasting hours.
  • Practice self-care: You can take care of your mental and physical health by engaging in activities that reduce stress, such as exercise or virtual team-building activities. It can help you maintain your productivity and focus during work hours.

To sum it up

Remote work gives various benefits to Muslim employees during Ramadan. The benefits of flexibility in remote work allow you to adjust schedules for prayer and spiritual activities.

Further, remote work reduces the need for commuting and provides a comfortable workspace, allowing employees to focus better and be more productive. Muslim employees can feel empathy and promote a healthy work culture.

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