How to Integrate GitHub With VirtualSpace

27 Jul, 2022 | Read in 2 minutes

Follow these simple steps to integrate GitHub with VirtualSpace! Keeping everyone updated on what's happening and what needs to be done next.


GitHub is a popular code repository and collaboration platform for developers. It is used by many companies to store their code and collaborate with other developers.

There are many benefits from GitHub integration especially when you're working with developer teams. It allows team members to work more efficiently and collaborate more effectively. When you have a lot of people working on the same project, it can be difficult to keep track of everything that's going on. Thus, integrating GitHub with VirtualSpace can help solve this problem by keeping everyone updated on what's happening and what needs to be done next.

Another benefit is that it allows developers to work more efficiently. Developers can use VirtualSpace as a communication tool while they are working on GitHub. It means that they don't have to switch back and forth between the two platforms when they need information from one or the other. Also, it helps with productivity because developers don't waste time switching between apps, which would result in lower productivity.

This article will show you how to integrate GitHub with VirtualSpace so that you can get notifications about your GitHub activity in VirtualSpace. This integration will help you stay up-to-date on what's happening in your GitHub account without having to log into it every time.

How to sync up GitHub on VirtualSpace

Before using GitHub on VirtualSpace, we need to install it. Follow these easy steps to sync GitHub on your VirtualSpace.

1. Open your VirtualSpace and then click the “apps” on the left bar.

2. Then click “install” on GitHub.

3. It will direct you to the GitHub login page. You will need to login into your GitHub account.

4. After signing in, you will be redirected back to your VirtualSpace. If you see a GitHub logo on the left bar, it’s already installed and ready to use.

How to set up a GitHub webhook to a channel

After successfully installing GitHub to your VirtualSpace, it’s now time to set up a GitHub webhook to a channel. It will give you access to collaborate with your team.

1. Click the GitHub feature on the left bar.

2. Then you will need to click “add more repository” on the bottom right to show what are the available repository options.

3. Select the repository that you want to share.

4. Then choose the channel that you want to share with. Then click “create webhook” on the bottom right.

5. Then you have successfully added a GitHub webhook to a channel. You can now collaborate with your team.

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