8 Steps to Streamline Sales with a Project Management App

5 Oct, 2023 | Read in 4 minutes

Learn how to use a project management app to track and manage your sales pipeline efficiently. Discover the insights to streamline your sales process.


Managing and tracking your sales pipeline is critical to staying ahead of the competition. A well-organised sales pipeline can ensure leads are nurtured, deals progress smoothly, and revenue continues to flow into your business. Project Management App is one of the most effective sales pipeline tracking tools.

According to a Wellingtone report, it is estimated that almost 54% of all organisations working on projects fail to track their KPIs in real time. Organisations generally also waste 12% of their resources due to ineffective project management. Therefore, a project management app is essential to help reduce this number.

A study conducted by PWC stated that 77% of high-performing project teams use project management software.

How do you use a project management application to track and manage your sales pipeline? Let's find out together.

Understanding the Sales Pipeline Management

Before we dive into the specifics of using project management apps, let's briefly understand what a sales funnel is. Your sales funnel visually represents your sales process, showing where each prospect stands. It’s helps you:

  • Boost Efficiency and Productivity: A well-structured sales pipeline ensures that your sales team can work more efficiently. It provides a clear roadmap, allowing them to prioritise tasks and allocate resources effectively.
  • Enhance Sales Forecasting: You can make more precise sales forecasts by tracking your sales pipeline. This not only aids in better resource planning but also allows you to set realistic revenue goals.
  • Improve Conversion Rates: When you have a comprehensive view of your prospect's journey through the sales funnel, you can identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. This, in turn, helps you refine your sales strategy and boost conversion rates.

How to Use a Project Management App to Track and Manage Sales Pipeline

Managing a sales pipeline efficiently can be daunting, but it becomes a streamlined and productive process with the right tools. Sales pipeline tracking software can help you track and manage your sales pipeline effectively. Here’s how to use a project management app to track and manage the sales pipeline.

1. Choose the Right Project Management App

The first and most crucial step in using a project management app for your sales pipeline is selecting the right tool. 

Project management tools for sales offer features tailored to sales and customer relationship management (CRM). Some popular options include Asana and Salesforce. Ensure that the app you choose aligns with your business's specific needs.

2. Set Up Your Sales Pipeline

Once you've chosen your project management app, it's time to set up your sales pipeline within the tool. Create columns or stages that represent the various steps your leads go through. 

For instance, you can have columns like "Prospects," "Qualification," "Negotiation," and "Closed Deals." This visual representation will make it easy to track the progress of each lead.

3. Input and Organise Leads

With your sales pipeline structure in place, start inputting your leads into the project management app. Include essential details such as the lead's name, contact information, and the stage they are currently in. 

Organise your leads by priority or likelihood of conversion to ensure you're focusing on the most promising opportunities.

4. Assign Tasks and Responsibilities

Effective sales pipeline management requires collaboration among team members. Assign tasks and responsibilities to team members within the project management app. 

For example, if a lead is in the negotiation stage, assign a team member to follow up with the prospect or prepare a proposal.

5. Automate Where Possible

Many project management apps offer automation features that can streamline your sales pipeline management further. 54% of the workforce believes that using tools that automate tasks will make them more productive and efficient at work. 

Set up automation rules to trigger actions like sending follow-up emails, updating lead statuses, or scheduling reminders. Automation helps reduce manual tasks, saving time and ensuring consistency.

6. Monitor and Analyze Progress

Regularly monitor your sales pipeline's progress using your project management app's analytics and reporting features. Identify bottlenecks, track conversion rates, and make data-driven decisions to optimise your sales process continually.

7. Communication and Collaboration

Communication and collaboration are critical in managing a sales pipeline effectively. 37% of the most common causes of project failure are poor planning and lack of communication. 

Utilise the built-in communication tools in your project management app to stay in touch with leads, team members, and stakeholders. Collaboration within the app ensures everyone is on the same page.

8. Adapt and Improve

The business landscape is dynamic, and your sales strategies should be. Use the insights gained from your project management app to adapt and improve your sales pipeline continuously. 

Make necessary adjustments to your processes and workflows to maximise efficiency.


Incorporating a project management app into your sales pipeline management can revolutionise how your business handles leads and deals. 


By following the steps outlined in this article, you can harness the power of technology to streamline your processes, boost productivity, and ultimately drive revenue growth. VirtualSpace can help you do it all. Streamline your project here.

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