How to Use Project Management Dashboards in 2023

17 Oct, 2023 | Read in 4 minutes

Unlock the potential of Project Management Dashboards in 2023 with our comprehensive guide. Elevate your project management skills today!


Managing projects is like juggling many things simultaneously, needing constant attention. You must quickly understand a project's status, timelines, and resources to do it well. Surprisingly, more than half of businesses can't get real-time data.

That's where Project Management (PM) dashboards come in. They're like a control centre for projects, showing real-time data in an easy-to-understand way. Think of it as the main base for your projects, where you can see progress, important indicators, and manage your team.

As per PwC's findings, a mere 2.5% of companies successfully conclude 100% of their projects. Recognising the uniqueness of each project and the varied needs of project managers, collaborative project dashboards provide adaptable views. These dashboards empower managers to customise the displayed data, aligning it precisely with their specific requirements.

Come with us as we explain the power of PM dashboards and how they can improve your project strategy. 

What is a Project Management Dashboard? 

A project management dashboard is like a visual summary of a project. It's a tool that shows important information, like how the project is going and if it's on schedule. Think of it as a dashboard in a car – it gives you a quick look at all the essential things.

This dashboard uses pictures and charts to make the information easy to understand. It helps the project manager and the team see what's happening in real time, like how much work is done, if there are any issues, and if the resources are being used correctly.

So, in simple terms, a project management dashboard is a handy tool that keeps everyone on the same page and helps make smart decisions for the project.

The Benefits of Project Dashboards

1. Instant Overview

Project dashboards offer a snapshot of the project's current status, providing an immediate understanding of progress, milestones, and potential issues. 

This visual representation allows stakeholders to grasp the project's overall health without delving into detailed reports.

2. Real-Time Updates

Dashboards keep information up-to-date in real-time, ensuring that everyone involved has access to the latest project data. This feature is crucial for decision-making, as it enables project managers to respond promptly to changes. 

3. Enhanced Collaboration

Acting as a centralised platform, project dashboards foster collaboration by allowing team members to share updates, feedback, and insights. 

This real-time collaboration not only improves communication but also promotes a sense of teamwork and shared responsibility among project participants.

4. Resource Efficiency

Project dashboards visualise resource allocation, indicating how resources are distributed across various tasks and phases. This visibility helps project managers optimise resource usage, preventing overloads or underutilisation. 

By ensuring resources are allocated effectively, teams can work more efficiently towards project goals.

5. Proactive Risk Management

Dashboards serve as early-warning systems by highlighting potential risks and issues. 

This proactive approach enables project managers to identify and address challenges before they negatively impact the project. It also allows for the implementation of risk mitigation strategies, ensuring smoother project progression.

6. Strategic Planning

By presenting key performance indicators (KPIs) and project trends, dashboards empower project managers to make informed decisions for strategic planning. 

Teams can assess their performance against set goals, identify areas for improvement, and forecast future trends. This strategic insight helps in adjusting plans to ensure successful project completion.

How to Set Up Project Management Dashboard

Effectively using project management software stands out as a critical factor for ensuring project success. By adeptly handling data and drawing accurate insights, you can propel tasks towards timely completion and within their defined scope.

While there is flexibility in designing your specific project, managing projects generally follows a four-step process.

1. Gather Data

The foundation of your project plan is solidified with good data. Acquiring accurate information about click and bounce rates, revenue and expenses, and progress towards milestones significantly influences the utility of your completed project.

2. Define Metrics

Determine early on how success will be measured. Establish informative metrics that offer a clear understanding of project dynamics. 

For example, choose whether to monitor a budget monthly, quarterly, or over another timeframe. The effectiveness of your dashboard as a management tool depends on how well you decide to present relevant data.

3. Craft Interface

Once you've identified the parameters to monitor, it's time to decide on the most efficient layout. Consider whether your data is better conveyed through a pie chart or a bar graph. 

Ensure that other team members can comprehend your graphic interface as easily as you do. The ability to click and drag individual elements into your dashboard, like moving boxes around with your mouse, should be seamless.

4. Arrange Dashboard Components

The final step in creating your project management dashboard template is to organise the elements into a coherent pattern. These elements should be informative, engaging, and easily comprehensible at a glance. 

Feel free to rearrange them as needed to obtain a better understanding of your metrics.

Visualise Your Project Management Dashboards with VirtualSpace

The significance of visualising key project data cannot be overstated in project management. PM dashboards serve as invaluable tools, providing a real-time, visual representation of your project's health and progress. 

By efficiently gathering and displaying data, these dashboards empower you to ultimately steer your projects towards success.

Elevate your project management experience with VirtualSpace. Our intuitive platform is designed to transform your project data into clear, actionable insights. 

Visualise your projects like never before, enabling smarter decision-making and seamless collaboration. Try a free project management tool using VirtualSpace and take a bold step towards achieving project success. Sign up now for a free trial!

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