5 VirtualSpace Tips for Overcoming Procrastination at Work

19 May, 2023 | Read in 5 minutes

Learn how to boost productivity and beat procrastination with these five simple VirtualSpace tips.


If you have come to this page, you’re maybe looking for tips for overcoming procrastination and boosting productivity.

Imagine you have an important task at hand, a deadline looming over your head, but instead of diving in and getting things done, you find yourself scrolling through social media, checking emails, or tidying up your workspace. 

Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Procrastination, the sneaky thief of time, affects us all at some point in our lives. A recent survey revealed that a staggering 95% of people admit to procrastinating at least some of the time.

Procrastination can be a significant roadblock on the path to success, hindering our ability to reach our full potential.

In this article, we have compiled how to boost productivity by overcoming procrastination using the VirtualSpace feature.

An Overview of Procrastination

Procrastination is a familiar concept to most of us. We've all experienced that nagging tendency to put off tasks or delay important work until the last possible moment. 

But what exactly is procrastination, and why do we find ourselves falling into its grasp?

Procrastination can be defined as the act of delaying or postponing tasks that need immediate attention, often in favour of more pleasurable or less demanding activities. 

The science behind procrastination reveals a complex interplay of psychological, emotional, and cognitive factors. 

At its core, procrastination is not simply a matter of bad time management habits or laziness; it's a reflection of our intricate human nature. 

Research suggests that the brain's reward system plays a significant role in our procrastination tendencies.

What are the effects of procrastination?

One of the most significant impacts of procrastination is low productivity

When we consistently put off important tasks, work piles up, which can cause a backlog of unfinished assignments. This backlog can cause unnecessary stress and overwhelm, hindering us from performing at our best. 

Here are some of the effects of procrastination that may you can find:

  • Projects are delayed
  • Affecting the efficiency of the entire team or organisation
  • Decreasing self-esteem
  • Stress and burnout 
  • Bad quality of work 
  • Harm professional relationships

How to Stop Procrastination

We've put together tips on how to be more productive by using VirtualSpace and help you in overcoming procrastination below:

1. Understanding the Causes of Procrastination

To effectively combat procrastination, it's important to grasp its underlying causes.

Procrastination often arises from factors like the fear of failure, lack of motivation, or feeling overwhelmed by the scope of a task. 

By identifying the specific root causes that apply to you, you can set your strategies for productivity directly.

VirtualSpace’s Note feature can help you jot down important information related to your work and personal matters. By organising your thoughts and keeping track of essential details, you can enhance your focus and minimise the chances of being sidetracked by scattered thoughts.

2. Breaking Down Your Tasks 

You can combat procrastination by breaking large tasks into smaller, more manageable parts. This approach helps alleviate feelings of being overwhelmed and allows you to focus on one step at a time. 

Celebrating each completed part as a small milestone can boost your motivation to tackle the next one.

You can try the VirtualSpace app's Project feature. With this feature, you can easily manage and organise your work into smaller, bite-sized pieces. 

Project board view visually mapping out your tasks and deadlines, you'll stay on top of your deadlines and maintain a clear overview of your progress.

3. Minimising Distractions

Identify and eliminate potential distractions that may tempt you to procrastinate. Turn off notifications on your smartphone or computer, and close unnecessary tabs on your devices.

In addition to these measures, the VirtualSpace mobile app offers a helpful feature called Focus Mode. This feature enables you to enter a deep working state by eliminating distractions on your device. Activating Focus Mode is a breeze with just three simple steps:

1. Open your VirtualSpace mobile app and click the "More" option in the bottom right corner.

2. Tap or swipe right to access the "Focus Mode" feature at the top.

3. Tap or swipe right once again to activate the "Focus Mode."

By activating Focus Mode, you create a focused and uninterrupted work environment, allowing you to concentrate on your tasks without being pulled away by digital distractions.

4. Creating a Productive Workspace

Ensure you have all the necessary resources and tools within reach to avoid interruptions. A clutter-free workspace promotes mental clarity and helps you keep focus.

VirtualSpace offers a collaborative environment that facilitates teamwork and enables you to gain success collectively in every project within Workspaces.

You have access to an unlimited workspace that you can create according to your unique requirements.

For those of you who are constantly exploring new opportunities, our platform allows you to create and seamlessly switch between multiple virtual workspaces.

To switch workspaces on VirtualSpace, simply open your account and locate the "More" option at the bottom right corner of the screen. From there, click on "Switch Workspace" to effortlessly transition between different projects or initiatives.

5. Chatting with Your Teams

VirtualSpace's Chat features allow you to collaborate with your team and tackle projects head-on. 

Whether you prefer one-on-one conversations or group discussions, Chat empowers you to brainstorm ideas and address the needs of your entire team, minimising procrastination barriers.

Here are some Chat features that can help you maximise your collaboration:

  • Unlimited Channels for Targeted Collaborations: Create dedicated channels for specific projects or topics
  • Expressive Messages: Share your thoughts with clarity and precision using expressive messages.
  • Pinned Messages: Keep important information easily accessible by pinning essential messages. 

Wrapping Up

Similar to acquiring other skills related to personal development, overcoming procrastination is a process that requires time and effort. 

If procrastination has become a habit for you, it's important to understand that it won't disappear overnight. 

Instead, commit to clarity both for yourself and your team. You'll notice an increase in motivation to complete your tasks when you have a clear understanding of the significance of your work.

Interested in more ways to boost productivity in VirtualSpace? Check out the full features here


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